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Add WhatsApp notifications in Blogger

  Add WhatsApp notifications in the WhatsApp Blogger blog

Add WhatsApp notifications on Blogger

Peace be upon you and God's mercy, welcome and welcome to the followers of the Dear moroccocoking blog. We have come back to you with a new, interesting article on the explanations of bloggers. And today we are going to talk about adding WhatsApp notifications in the blogger blog, WhatsApp blogger notifications.


The importance of adding WhatsApp notifications in the blog :

If you go to the moroccocoking blog now and make a presentation, you will find that the template you used is the squeeze template and not the SEO plus template. And you will notice on the main page that I have not made AdSense ads. This is so that there are no more restrictions on ads in the future, and if you open one of my articles, ads will appear to you. And three seconds after opening the article, you will see a WhatsApp notification below.


How to add a WhatsApp notification on blogger :

At first, we go to the appearance of your blog and make a backup copy. It will download an XML file, which is the same template for the blog. In the download file, after downloading the file, all we want from the file is the code, and it is the father's Watts code that we are going to add. And it's a free code, All you have to do is log in to your WhatsApp and then log in to WhatsApp settings. And click on the profile, and we make a complete copy, and we make copies of your number as added on WhatsApp.

* We advise you to read the article: What is SEO?

All you have to do is delete my number from the code, add your number, remove the dash between the digits after adding the number, make a complete copy of the code.

Add WhatsApp notifications in Blogger

Code to add WhatsApp notifications in the WhatsApp Blogger blog :

1-The code used in Arabic WhatsApp:

<script type='text/javascript'>
     function () {
         var options = {
             WhatsApp: "000000000000", // WhatsApp number
             call_to_action: "to contact me from here/للتواصل معي من هنا", // Call to action
             position: "right", // Position may be 'right' or 'left'
     var proto = document.location.protocol, host = "whatshelp.io", url = proto + "//static." + host;
         var s = document. createElement('script'); s. type = 'text/javascript'; s. async = true; s.src = url + '/widget-send-button/js/init.js';
         s.onload = function () { WhWidgetSendButton.init(host, proto, options); };
         var x = document. getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; x. parentNode. insertBefore(s, x);


2-The code used in the English WhatsApp:

<script type='text/javascript'>
     function () {
         var options = {
             whatsapp: "000000000000", // WhatsApp number
             call_to_action: "to contact me from here", // Call to action
             position: "right", // Position may be 'right' or 'left'
     var proto = document.location.protocol, host = "whatshelp.io", url = proto + "//static." + host;
         var s = document. createElement('script'); s. type = 'text/javascript'; s. async = true; s.src = url + '/widget-send-button/js/init.js';
         s.onload = function () { WhWidgetSendButton.init(host, proto, options); };
         var x = document. getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; x. parentNode. insertBefore(s, x);

How to change the addition of WhatsApp notifications in the WhatsApp blogger :

We go to the quick editing application, and we open the XML file that we downloaded, and this is how the codes for my SEO plus template were opened, then we perform a code search for data:post.Body, you will find one located in the codes pages, these are not mandatory, we scroll down, you will find it at the bottom, and you will find a larger or smaller reference, we will add the codes at the bottom of it, then save.

I have already talked about AdSense advertising codes, and we have already said that this code should be added after data:post.Body, and we added the WhatsApp code between the data: publish. Body and AdSense advertising code, to relieve the pressure on the codes and to protect the site from illegal AdSense clicks.

We make copies of the code, and go to the beginning of the codes from the first line, and look for the word head, and paste the code in a convenient empty place, so that it does not interfere with the rest of the codes, and we will delete part of the code, from the beginning of src to the end of JS, then save and include the AdSense code, but the JavaScript code that we downloaded under the POST DATA BODY.

* Don't forget to read the article:  Accelerate Your Website with WP Engine Hosting

 So, for us to protect ourselves, if someone logs in, AdSense ads will appear to them, but they will not appear on the main page, because if they appear and visitors come to my site, it may harm me, and illegal clicks will be counted, for several reasons :


Add WhatsApp notifications on Blogger

  1.  First: it will increase the speed of the site and codes.
  2. Secondly: Protect your AdSense account from restrictions.
  3. Thirdly, because when a visitor enters your site, he will visit to enter articles to benefit from them, and not to stay on the main page.

And now we go to my blog, go to the appearance and do a restore, then download and go to the file itself in the downloads, and we select the file and wait until the download is complete.

Thus, the WhatsApp notification will appear to you three seconds after opening your article, and at the same time, the blog speed remains the same, even if there are a million AdSense ads.

These are some questions that may come to mind, and to facilitate the process and make this addition without any problems in the template, be it the blogger or WordPress template

Firstly, is there any practical proof of the speed of the blog?

Of course there is, if you log in to page speed insights, and we will check the speed of my blog, you will find your speed as come on, it did not differ after adding the codes.

Secondly, are there any problems with SEO verification after adding the codes?

If we open the SEO verification site and perform a site check, you will find that everything is fine and nothing is different on your site.

And so we have finished today's article, I hope everyone has benefited from today's article, follow me to make you all new, and wait for me for more useful and distinctive exclusive articles, peace be upon you and God's mercy greetings to all.
