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Healthy diet and its relationship to weight loss

Healthy diet and its relationship to weight loss

Talking about the topic of diet or weight loss , is related to diet and a healthy balanced diet , it is a simultaneous and related relationship , obesity is a pathological condition in which a sick person has an excess and excess of fat inside the body , which may lead to other health problems. 

What is the best diet for you!

Apart from making you feel terrible , excess body fat puts a heavy burden on your heart , blood vessels and daily activity , even increases the risk of diabetes and cancer , reduces your ability to move , and therefore your inability to lose weight or diet.

Unfortunately , many people have unhealthy eating habits , and they do not take into account the negative and dangerous effects of overeating at various times of the day , and this is the real reason why they end up with excess body fat.

Weight loss

* Definition of severe obesity :

The word "obesity" comes from the Latin word obsitas , which means overeating or cravings for food , as people who are sick with obesity feel serious psychological conditions , such as misery , frustration and inability to face society , because their bodies are unable to function normally due to excess weight.

* Causes of excessive obesity in people :

Often , people become obese due to overeating , eating fast food such as American hamburgers , and lack of exercise in green spaces.

* Factors of weight loss and excessive obesity :

Once you are obese , it is difficult to lose weight because you are stuck with excess fat in the body , it is a vicious circle that must be broken and overcome to lose weight , you must create a calorie deficit by eating less and doing more exercise in gyms dedicated to this purpose or by swimming , and do not forget about the medical consultation of nutritionists specialized in this field, who can find out the cause of this excess and excessive weight in the body , it may be caused by genetics , organic disease or due to severe psychological problems that a person has had .

Once you've achieved your weight loss goals , be sure to maintain your new lifestyle by avoiding overeating and staying active throughout the day .

1-Avoid Being overweight in the first place :

It is important , dear reader , to understand how your diet affects your weight , as there is a simultaneous and very related relationship between them , since a healthy diet contains enough calories for daily activity , but limits harmful substances such as saturated fats , processed foods , sugar and salt.

In addition , constant physical and athletic activity , especially with age , is necessary to maintain a healthy , integrated and balanced weight.

You can also increase your calorie intake a little if you are physically active , or do some kind of physical sports such as weight lifting and swimming , but still want to lose weight.

Once you reach your desired weight loss goal , such as 12 or 22 pounds , celebrate! And say to yourself : you have successfully developed an achievable plan for maintaining your new weight in the long term.

2-one of the ways to lose weight or diet :

To lose weight in a healthy way and without any complications , you must adhere to the recommended calories in the program (CR).

The CR program includes reducing the annual calorie intake to less than one million calories , while continuing the daily activity routine of exercising permanently , maintaining a balanced diet and completely avoiding starches and saturated fats in fast foods .

 Recent scientific studies have proven that the CR program helps people lose large amounts of weight , without adversely affecting their health or well-being in the process.

Important note: people who follow the CR program continuously and permanently , begin to feel better physically and emotionally in the first days of the beginning of the program , and even sexually , as it improves sexual activity and emotional compatibility between couples , and that's when they achieve their goals – especially when they learn how manipulating their food influences their weight! And this is a fact that must be mentioned.

3-high calorie is a danger :

By reducing high-calorie foods , such as fatty meats , and full-fat dairy products , and swapping them with increased protein intake from lean sources , such as fish and legumes , people can easily reach their goal of losing excess body fat while maintaining muscle mass.

* Healthy diet in our communities :

Many diets restrict whole food groups such as carbohydrates or fats , in an attempt to avoid completely unhealthy foods , but this can make it difficult for people who eat unrestricted to meet nutritional needs , rather than restricting entire food groups .

 And it's even easier , and even more effective , if each person chooses his own convenient and nutritious diet based on his own values and needs , instead of forcing everyone to plan to cut cookies with this high-calorie or saturated fat product! Isn't it…

Very important:
if someone occasionally eats something unhealthy under these guidelines , there is no harm in it! He can simply eat less (and healthier) food later , to compensate for his indulgence so that he doesn't end up gaining more body fat anyway.

* Take care of yourself before it's too late:

It is essential not to put pressure on yourself because of excess body fat , instead focus on creating healthy habits and exercising regularly , in order to stay physically and mentally fit no matter how much you eat or exercise!

 In addition to reasonable and varied options at the table and increasing activity levels during leisure ; there are several ways available to achieve this goal :

  1. First-calorie restriction through exercise or intermittent fasting.
  2. Secondly-self-monitoring of blood pressure constantly.
  3. Third – do regular check-ups with a nutritionist, to control cholesterol levels in the blood, etc …

And as a tip from me to you , my friend , selective application of any method may be better than not applying any method at all! Isn't it .
