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Moroccan slilou or sweet sfouf

Among the famous Moroccan recipes , which can be included in the traditional Moroccan sweets on various occasions , especially in the holy month of Ramadan , because it embodies the culture of an Arab Muslim country , especially at the iftar table , which is witnessing an important demand to buy them from food stores or specialized in selling Ramadan sweets.

Moroccan slilou or sweet asfuf

It is undoubtedly that recipe wonder , rich in definition, sweet Moroccan Safouf or as it is called colloquially , Moroccan slou or slilou , and different ways of preparation and decoration from one region to another , but it meets in one form and template distinguishes it from other popular recipes of Moroccan.

* And to benefit : like the rest of the traditional Moroccan sweets , Moroccan women are watching over the good mastery of all stages , where women meet and participate in the preparation of a large amount , and sweet AL safuf or sweet slou among these sweets that need their cooperation a lot , because it is difficult to prepare , and because it lasts for a long time in the month of fasting , and in normal circumstances.

And in this video , which you will find a link at the bottom of the article , I will propose to you today , how to prepare sweet Moroccan asfuf or Moroccan slilou , for beginners in the field of cooking , without fatigue and no trouble , and easy ingredients available in every home.

* Ingredients sweet or slilou:

Moroccan slilou or sweet asfuf

  • A kilo of roasted and roasted almonds. 
  • Kilo of ginger or sesame. 
  • 300 g of calcareous sugar. 
  • Spoon and half a large wholesome bead. 
  • Two tablespoons of cinnamon. 
  • A pinch of salt. 
  • A pinch of goose. 
  • A pinch of free grab bead. 
  • 2 kg of white flour. 
  • One liter of olive oil. 

*For garnish : depending on the choice , the original Zamzami honey can be added to the dough to increase the sweetness.

* How to prepare the dough recipe :

In the name of God , let us begin with God's blessing.

First , we bring a large bowl to mix the ingredients , or you can use an electric mixer dish , if you want to use half the amount.

Moroccan slilou or sweet asfuf

  1. We proceed to put the predetermined amount of white flour in the oven to Brown a little , and after it has cooled , it is sifted and purified well in the center of a large pot.
  2. Important note : of the amount of ginger used in the recipe , it was washed and purified well and browned in the oven , but the almonds leave it with their husks and browned as well in the oven.
  3. We take the electric mixer , and we grind all these towels , from a kilo of roasted almonds in advance alone , as well as a kilo of reddish ginger , and proceed to grind a spoon and a half of the grain of the beneficial , and the grain of the free grab was ground with sugar Kalasi.
  4. Add finely ground almonds , ground ginger , ground cinnamon , as well as a free-grip grain with calcareous sugar , a pinch of salt , and finally a pinch of coconut to increase the flavor. 

We mix the ingredients well using a hand , or an electric mixer if using half the amount , until the ingredients merge well.

  • After we have stirred the elements well, add a little olive oil, and continue to massage the dough, until we finish that amount of olive oil, and notice a change in the color of the dough to Brown.
  • note: you should not be too much oil or butter so as not to spoil the taste of the dough , and in order not to float the oil on top of the dough if left for a certain time.

* The final form of asfuf :

After the completion of the integration of the ingredients among themselves , this is the final form of the Moroccan slou or safouf recipe , decorated with roasted almonds , and served as a healthy meal at iftar and Suhoor time , for its health benefits in supplying the body with energy during the fasting period , as you can watch the full video in my channel on the link, click on the image.

Moroccan slilou or sweet asfuf

If you like the video , do not forget to share it with the family and in your communication sites to benefit , you can also visit my official YouTube channel for more videos in the field of Moroccan cooking and desserts , link my channel : zanouba_Tizi channel.
