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Moroccan Tagine with Fish

Moroccan Tagine with Fish and Greens

The art of cooking and cuisine in Moroccan cuisine is rich in definition , because of the variety of dishes offered to visitors to Morocco , and it is no secret to any of us that Moroccan cuisine has a medical reputation in various international restaurants for the diversity of recipes and different tastes.

Among these dishes , we find Moroccan tajines rich in definition and for their quality and high status.

In this video , in which you will find a link at the bottom of the topic , I will propose to you today , how to prepare Moroccan Fish Tagine with chermoula and greens in the Moroccan way , a recipe delicious and nutritious , exact amounts and easy to follow us.

moroccan fish tagine

* Moroccan Tagine recipe ingredients :

  •  A quarter kilo of fish (whale).
  •  A K grain of potatoes.
  •  2 p kernels of tomatoes.
  •  2 p of green and red peppers.
  •  2 carrots.
  •  A little olive oil.
  •  A few green olives.
  •  Spoon R of drained tomatoes.
  •  A little chopped mince.
  •  2 cloves of garlic.
  •  Juice of a grain of K of sour.

* Spices : Al-abzaar + Al-sakangibir + kharqum + Al-Kamoun + chili + a pinch of salt .

* How to prepare (Taghmira) in Moroccan dialect or mixture :

To prepare the Taghmira , we prepare a medium-sized dish dedicated to mixing , in which we will put all the ingredients at once , in order to mix well.

First , we put the spices intended for this purpose all , and then add juice from the sour grain to increase the flavor.

Add the parsley and finely chopped garlic cloves to them, then start stirring the mixture well until the ingredients blend.

Add to the mixture a small amount of water that we previously filtered from the cooked carrots to increase the flavor of the carrots in the mixture , and continue to stir well.

* Method of ordering ingredients in This recipe :

After completing the first stage , we bring the tagine intended for cooking , and put in it as the first thing at first per-cooked carrots.

We bring the amount of whale and put it on top of the mixture , and mix it well called this process – by charmoula whale – until the ingredients enter the whale well. We keep putting the whale over the islands , and Dalek according to family members.

Add to the amount of the remaining mixture each of chopped garlic cloves and a teaspoon of grated tomatoes , as well as finely chopped tomatoes , and put on top of the mixture the amount of remaining carrot water to increase the flavor. 

* How to decorate This recipe :

In the final stage comes the process of decorating the traditional Moroccan tagine , add on top of the whale or fish all the sliced potatoes cut in medium size , and KDA green and red peppers cut into slices are also , and do not forget the tomato slices.

Chili or mush can be added in the vernacular and is optional to taste.

* For reference : madam , you can add everything you desire either red or green olives , depending on the variety of tastes.

Put at the bottom of the tagine a small amount of water with a little green olive oil , close the tagine , and put it in low heat as we said before until the ingredients level well.

The tagine remains on the fire for 30 minutes until we see the water disappear , then turn it off.

* The final look of the fish recipe :

After the Greens have matured and the whale has settled well in the Moroccan tagine , it is served with a juice of carrots , cucumbers , or lemons for lunch or dinner.

Health and wellness are presented in the form shown in the image above.

Moroccan Fish Tagine with Greens
